Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fourth of July

It turned out that the Fourth was the only day of not-so-great weather. We stayed dry, but it was threatening rain most of the day, so it was pretty dreary. We made the most of it though, and went out to see if there was anything new at Orient Point, and when there wasn't, we hit our old standby of GREENPORT. We did try somewhere new for lunch though--the Chowder Pot Pub. After a way-to-expensive lunch, we walked the boardwalk and made our way down to... you guessed it, Claudio's! Well, technically we like Crabby Jerry's better, as it's an older crowd and more laid back. So we hung out there for a bit, then walked around some more, then home. At night we really cut loose with a few rousing games of Scrabble! There weren't any fireworks, as by that time it had actually started to rain. Oh well.

P.S. The map shows most of the North Fork, where we are.

1 comment:

Sandra Jester said...

Hi Jodi, Chris and Connor. I am so glad you came home safely with the terror alert higher and you around the NY area. Can you please send me pictures through ofoto of the ones with Chris, Jodi, Connor and one with Mark in the pool. I love his boat ride. I agree with Brenda that Connor is a great traveler.
Hugs Mom Jester