Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day Weekend (Sunday)

I had a party planned for Sunday, for lots of good reasons. Do I need a reason to throw a party? Not really. But I had them. Two of my good friends and fraternity brothers from Hope were in town, both from pretty far distances, and both of whom I had not seen in years. Mike Lievense (Sebe) came in from Colorado, and Brett Baer came in from California. Since both have Holland ties (Brett's folks even live in Idlewood), and they wanted to see as many Hope people as they could, I agreed to act as host and have everyone over. The phrase "getting the band back together" comes to mind, to be sure.

So we had a great day again, with plenty of sun, beach, washers, etc. We had some kind of dinner at night, but since it was a while ago as I write this, I don't remember what we had. People didn't stay too late, but as I was getting ready to call it a night Brett stopped back over and we hung out on the deck talking politics for a couple hours. Brett is a big time leftist (although not quite with the 'black helicopter' crowd, thank goodness), but promises me I will be spared when the revolution comes. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

It was a great day with old friends, and we had a riot. Thanks to all.

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