Thursday, November 22, 2007


My Grandmother lives on Long Island, about half way out on the North Fork in a town called Southold. My brother and I spent our summers growing up out there, and the house is on a canal off Corey Creek, which is a part of Little Peconic Bay. It's really wonderful out there, but it's not easy to get there, unfortunately. We always spent our Christmases out there, but last year my Grandmother agreed to come here for Christmas as traveling with an infant seemed too difficult. We were there in July again, as faithful readers will remember.

At any rate, my Grandmother cannot come this Christmas, so we decided to go there for Thanksgiving weekend... which happened to coincide with her 90th birthday! We left on Wednesday afternoon, and had some trouble with the drive, but I'll spare the details. We stayed at our favorite little haunt in Clearfield, PA, then got right on the road Thursday morning. By the way, people who say it's difficult to travel with a one year old toddler are crazy. Really, there's nothing to it. I brought lots of books on tape, and we just gave him some slivers of Ambien (TM) whenever he was acting up. Things went famously.

So, we picked up my brother in Islip on the way, but overall made great time on the LIE, which surprised me. Arrival was late in the afternoon, but we still had a nice Thanksgiving dinner that my Grandma had ordered in, and she was pretty thrilled to see her only great-grandson. And us (OK, I mean me)!

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