Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve came up really quickly it seems like. Unfortunately half of "my Dad & Tina" couldn't make it, as Tina had some health problems that thankfully were resolved with a good outcome. So we still had my brother & Kristi, Mom & Dad, Jodi, me, and of course our little superstar Connor. He was and continues to be the hit of every party or family gathering, that's for sure. He's not quite old enough to understand the meaning of Christmas, but he sure likes tearing off wrapping paper and beating and throwing things. Maybe next year we can explain about baby Jesus, immaculate conception, and that sort of thing.

As a side note, we had to put all our gifts up this year, because if they were under the tree they wouldn't last five minutes with the little man wandering around!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that thing Jodi is holding for cleaning??