Sunday, November 25, 2007


We couldn't stay forever, although there are times I think of doing just that. After church we started packing, and said our goodbyes. We had just six or seven hours to PA, on paper, but we had trouble yet again. One of the tires was going flat, and there was brutal traffic in NJ and PA (again the LIE ran great--go figure). When I woke up Monday morning the tire was flat, and it was freezing rain outside. Not a good situation, but I finally got the tire changed with the help of a car guy who had a "real deal" jack, a sledge hammer, and some wooden blocks. We made it.

Thanks to Ambien (TM), who is no way sponsors this site, for coming up with a really effective drug for children!!!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Hmmm...I'm going to have to talk to Jodi about feeding her child drugs. We have a 14 hour drive/trek to South Dakota early next year.