Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hope Party (July 21)

I am well behind on my blogging duties, I realize... well, the weekend of July 21 was my annual Hope party at the cottage. I graduated from Hope in 1994 (well, closer to 1995 really), and the last several years I have had a party at the lake with my friends from school. This year we had a special guest, Luci Theissen! It was a gorgeous day, so we really lucked out. Our only problem was the lake was a little too cold for swimming!


Unknown said...

Wish I coulda been there. Seffy and I are planning a Cosmo get together soon here in Colorado. Too bad we are all so far apart these days. Better than being sick of each other I guess.


Brenda said...

Who is Luci Theissen? A hope hero?