Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day.

As usual, Jodi did really well for Mother's Day. Besides the several sonnets I wrote in honor of her gifts as a mother and a wife**, there were material items too! This year it was a couple nice beach chairs, as the stuff we're using in Holland could use some updating. And what's that other item?? Why it's a whole house water filter of course. Many a mother requested that item this year I bet. Now if I can just get one of my buddies to come over and help me install it...

P.S. I also took her to Centennial Country Club for brunch, but we didn't bring the camera. Just ask Sara Duthler (avid reader of this blog, btw) if we were there though!
**See Appedix A*
*There may not be an Appendix A

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