First, apologies for my blog slack-ability of late. The thing is, it's not without reason. First, while I was away at my beloved annual Cosmopolitan Alumni Canoe trip, Jodi (through no fault of her own, she swears--just ask her!!) managed to blow up the desktop computer upstairs. And I mean blow up as in even with above-the-great-unwashed-masses' average computer skills, I couldn't get this thing to boot. In the end I had to use a recovery CD which wipes the hard drive and re-installs to factory original settings. In laymans terms, you LOSE YOUR FILES. And programs. But I digress. Rest assured with my normal calm and laid back demeanor I got over it quickly and her beating was not severe. So there was that. Also, and this issue dates back a few weeks, the digital camera we purchased in March (March!?!) has also crashed and / or flaked out on me. Although in the case of the camera I was the one who bought another Casio after the last Casio broke (at least we had two years or so of use on that one). So with a computer problem and a camera problem--both of which needing attention, and both of which are necessary to the upkeep of the actual blog itself--I had my reasons.
Well the desktop computer is repaired, although I'm now using our new laptop more than anything for both video and photo maintenance. Also, the camera has been sent to Casio for a free repair, and in the meantime I have been using the video camera's still camera option for photos. Not as great, but it works for what I need. And I find that now I sort of have the hang of Vista, and with the right software, the flexibility of the laptop is actually really appealing. There are drawbacks as well, but like I said, overall...
So what have we been up to, the "Ada" Basts??? Here we go...