Well, we drove this year. Yet Again, I suppose I should say. We drive these days, instead of flying, because they both have nightmare
-ish qualities to them.
Flying: Sure, I could pack about fifteen bags (how much per bag these days?), get up together really early and feed the little man and get him in the car with the other stuff and get out of the house, drive to Detroit, find the long distance parking ramp (it's only $10 a day now), unpack there, then go through security with all this gear, the wife and the toddler. Then we board the airline (if it's there, if it's on time, if it has a crew, etc.) Then we fly to La Guardia... and at La Guardia, well folks, then the fun starts.
I suppose de-planing is first, and is not too bad. Then you get to baggage. At baggage you Hope For The Best and that you actually get your bags. Next, you make your way outside to the buses. They will take you, for a Nominal Fee (it's never nominal), to Jamaica Sation, which is in Queens. It's a short 20-35 minutes. From there you haul your bags, your wife, and your toddler son up several flights of steps onto the, what... well, whatever that concrete is while you wait for the trains; I guess usually it's just called the 'platform'. And you better get on the right train, no offense. Anyway, with all luck you end up in Ronkonkoma (halfway out on LI), and that would be a gift if it happens with no mistakes or meltdowns (from the wife or the child). From there you have to hope for an uncle (ideally he has taken his medication) that is A) there and B) in decent shape to drive you the... one more hour to Southold. But hey, once you're there, no worries.
So that's flying. Although I should mention that with a bit extra money that whole process is simplified by getting a rental car in Queens (LGA airport). That represents a different set of problems though, like per diem, fuel, etc.
Driving: Well, you drive. You pack up the Jeep, and now I have a Thule rooftop carrier which holds a ton really. So with the Jeep packed we left at about 5:30 AM on Tuesday, the idea being to drive straight though. I've done it door to door (Southold house I mean) in about 12 hours, and even going slowly the city (NYC) is 12 hours from our house, but I knew with Jodi pregnant and an almost-two year old, we'd be taking our time.
The route is I-96E to MI-23S, then I-80E which goes a
long, long way. It's really the whole trip. At this point I know all the mile markers in PA even (it's 310 miles total, so it's truly a four to five hour state). We passed our usual good stop in Clearfield (exit 120) mid-morning, and I was already tired enough to let Jodi drive. I drove again later, passed through that little phase where you sort of 'hit the wall' (any runners out there? not that I am one...), had some food and drink, then realized we were basically coming up on NJ. That's what gets you on the way there; knowing that Jersey is a one hour state, then you get the city stuff, then the bridges, then the LIE, then the "Main Road" (Route 25), then you're there.
So it's nothing, really. The rest will be photos with little commentary. Unless of course I feel commentary is required. Oh, and we pulled into Southold (after some pizza at Lennie's in Jamesport), at around 8:15. Not bad, but a long day for sure.