Saturday, August 2, 2008

Our Holland Party.

For several years now we've been lucky enough to throw a party at the Holland house for a select elite, highly liberal group of Hope friends and their families. Let me say that having such a brain trust... such a "meeting of the minds", is a relief to me and restores my faith in the "Amerika" that I know we can become. Amen.

At any rate, this year we had a smaller, but no less left-minded, group of true believers who all brought their own special gifts to the table. There were seminars on Social Justice, discussion groups on Why Higher Taxes Are Best For Everyone Especially Those Jerks Who Make More Than $36,000 A Year, and at the end a general round of gland handing amid shouts of "Take Back Amerika!!" So we accomplished the usual, I'd say.

(By the way, apologies to Mac, who felt horribly out of place. Poor guy, he's just stuck in that silly Reagan-omics I guess. He kept mentioning the Laffer Curve, which we're pretty sure is a roller coaster ride at Cedar Point.)

But I forget myself! We had a great day, and stayed up late into the evening singing hymns of praise to the Anointed One, BHO (don't ask what the 'H' stands for; we don't care for that).

It was a great day, all my joking aside. Looking forward to next year.

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