Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Parents with the Little Man.

This was after Connor's first try at trick-or-treating. I was going to title it, "The Grandparents", but then I realized that it certainly would not be adequate, or perhaps specific (is 'familiocentric' a word??), enough. Connor is blessed with many grandparents who love him dearly, but in my parents' case, I will say that he is -- for the next four weeks at least -- the only grandchild they have. And I will claim a bit of author's license since Jodi doesn't seem to have any interest in maintaining this thing. (It would be a side question to ask why I have not updated it in six weeks myself, so we'll leave that for the reporters...)

AT ANY RATE... later that night my Mom and Dad got to see the little man, and they both love the time they are able to spend with him, since they both live out of state.

P.S. A shout out to Sandi & Bob, in Arizona, who are also out of state and I'm sure miss the little man as well. You are the only ones who get the DVDs other than my Grandmother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A shout out to Connor from Grandma Jester and Grandpa Jester. We are privileged to get DVDs regularly.It is the next best thing to having him here in family room in AZ.

Poor Connor- those day care injuries are brutal!Grandma missed giving you Halloween treat, Christmas is coming , little fellow! I left you several phone messages , Connor, to call me back.
What ever is the matter? Shy- I don't think so. Well we will talk later on the phone! Love Grammy Jester & Bob too!