Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reformation Day / Halloween / C-man's Birthday!!

It's sort of its own trinity, really. Connor is heavily into Speed Racer, which is kind of cool since I was into the exact same show when I was a kid. Flash forward though, and instead of watching one episode a day, from say, 4:00 til 4:30 (after school), in the new millennium you just order the entire series (six DVDs) online. Then you can watch every single episode, every waking minute of your life, until the thought of hearing the theme song just One More Time brings with it visions of checking in to a mental institution, or at least hitting the eject button. (The best part of course is that, with DVD players in vehicles now, you never really have to be away from it; it can stay with you wherever you go.)

But I digress... it was C-man's third birthday! We had a party in the afternoon, then went trick-or-treating at night. Connor did much better than last year, although it was much colder and unfortunately he had to wear a coat over his costume.

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