Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Weekend.

This past week I was basically playing "Mr. Mom", as I had Connor Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. His daycare was closed for spring break, and the rest of it was because Mommy was busy. We did great though, of course, and I don't need much of a reason to take time off work! Anyway, Saturday evening Sara & Jeff Dekker came over for dinner, and they brought their little girl Anne (that's with an 'e', and don't you forget it!!), and their infant son Max, who of course is Connor's new BFF. I think Connor is about six weeks older than Max, but that's nothing really in the grand scheme of things. Then Sunday was church, followed by dinner at Jodi's Dad's house with the rest of the family. Great dinner, as always, then it was nap time.

1 comment:

Sunnykm said...

Your baby boy is adorable--later to be very handsome!

Your mom sent me your blog and I am so grateful to keep up with you all.

When is his first trip to DisneyLand? You know I live in California and would love to meet you in Anaheim for his meeting with Mickey!

Cousin Karen