Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Weekend Update

Let's see... Friday night we went out to dinner with a bunch of friends to celebrate my birthday, which was Tuesday. I'm 35 now, and headed gracefully to 40. Oh well. Dinner at Carrabba's was great food and great company. Saturday my Dad and Tina were in town for the celebration of my Aunt Jan's marriage to Paul Elzinga, and that was a great party! All of my five cousins were in town, and brought their kids even, and Connor was a huge hit as well. Sunday was low key, and Monday I was home all day with Connor, as day care is closed for spring break. (I'm off Friday too, which is fine with me. Oh, and Tuesday afternoon, which is another story.)

Below is a shot of my cousin Cathy and me, and Connor is in the background, held by Cathy's daughter Hillary, who's a sophomore at Hope. By the way, Hillary's dad is for sure not a Bast. Just for the record.

1 comment:

Sandra Jester said...

Happy be-lated birthday Chris looked like you had a great birthday showing off Connor and fun with your cousins. Sorry I missed it as the cruise to Hawaii took my mind off everything.

You are not that old- but definitely getting older. Love Sandi & Bob